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Double Chin Surgery: What You Need to Know About Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures & Risks.

2022-12-01 04:36:30

While many of us want a sleek profile while looking in the mirror, some have excess fat creating a double chin or submental fullness. A double chin can happen for several reasons. The reasons could be genetics, weight gain, or something as simple as one's anatomy or breathing pattern. If you're unsatisfied with your double chin, know that you're not alone - more than two-thirds of the population have it too.


If you want to decrease the size of your double chin, a Plastic Surgeon might recommend Neck Liposuction, Neck Lift Surgery, or a combination of both. There are different ways to remove excess fat from a double chin. All of which can tighten up loose skin on the neck and create a smoother, tighter chin and neck appearance. 


Here are some things you need to know about double chin surgery.

What is double chin surgery?

Double chin surgery is an option for those who want a smoother jawline and fewer facial wrinkles. Double chin plastic surgery includes one of the following surgeries:

Chin Liposuction: It is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the skin of the chin and neck area to reshape it. A surgeon makes an incision in which they insert a tube, sucking out the unwanted fat. Liposuction surgery typically requires only localized anesthesia to numb the general area.

Facelift: This surgery helps eliminate excess fat and sagging skin around the chin and neck, thus eliminating a double chin. Though most people are unconscious during general anesthesia, it is possible to do so with a local anesthetic.

Neck-lift: Different neck lift surgeries exist to lessen the appearance of excess skin around the neck and chin, such as cervicoplasty (removing unwanted skin) or platysmaplasty (tightening muscles). Surgeons often combine a neck lift with a traditional facelift which can cause a tight feeling around the neck for several months.

All treatments can improve the appearance of a double chin. However, if your skin isn't elastic and sags, you are probably not a good candidate for liposuction or submentoplasty. 

Are there any risks or side effects of double chin surgery?

Anytime foreign objects are put into the skin, there's always some risk involved. A doctor should discuss this before the procedure to ensure you are fully informed and prepared for it.

Neck and chin cosmetic surgeries are usually safe, but there have some risks. 

The following are the risks or side effects of double chin surgery:

  • Asymmetric. One side of the face is different than the other side.

  • Bleeding or blood clotting.

  • Anesthesia poses serious risks for some people.

  • Hematoma (a pocket of blood under the skin). It is essential to drain it out.

  • Incisions that do not heal properly.

  • Pain or swelling that lasts for an extended period.

  • Skin flaws such as scarring, rippling, or discoloration.

It is also possible that you may not see the desired outcomes from the surgical procedure. Therefore it is crucial to talk to your doctor about your goals regarding how you want yourself to look after surgery, so they can make sure they're achievable. 

What is the recovery time after double chin surgery?

Depending on what surgery your surgeon performs, the recovery time varies. It can take anywhere from a few days to one or two weeks to recover before returning to work after chin liposuction surgery - while with a neck lift surgery, it may take up to two weeks for complete recovery.

Following the surgery, there will be some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. The skin may tighten up, which can take up to two weeks to heal completely. If you have developed facial drains to reduce blood and fluid buildup in your neck, a doctor will usually remove these after one or two days.

Nonsurgical Alternative to Double Chin Surgery:

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable medication to treat excess fat under the chin. The medication comprises deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat in the body. It gives permanent results because it destroys the fat cells.



Some people choose deoxycholic acid treatments to eliminate a double chin without surgery. However, just because it is an alternative solution does not mean there are no adverse side effects; every treatment has its own potential problems.

Below are some problems with the injectable medication:

  • Side effects of this medication can include pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and soreness. Severe allergic reactions or injuries to the facial nerves can also happen though they're rare.

  • Injections can be excruciatingly painful.

  • It may require multiple sessions- usually from two to six- to see significant improvement.

  • People can also expect a swelling neck for up to 10 days after each treatment session.

  • If you require multiple treatments, chin lipo may be cheaper.

Final thoughts:

If you have a double chin, or your chin or neck sags, you may be considering plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon can shape, remove fat and even smooth out the skin - but neck-lift, facelift, and chin liposuction surgeries come with some risks. Talk to your medical provider about what surgical procedure would be best for you and whether or not you are a good candidate.

If you are looking for double chin surgery or other facial cosmetic procedures, it is vital to find a board-certified plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

Double Chin Surgery: What You Need to Know About Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures & Risks.

2022-12-01 04:36:30

While many of us want a sleek profile while looking in the mirror, some have excess fat creating a double chin or submental fullness. A double chin can happen for several reasons. The reasons could be genetics, weight gain, or something as simple as one's anatomy or breathing pattern. If you're unsatisfied with your double chin, know that you're not alone - more than two-thirds of the population have it too.


If you want to decrease the size of your double chin, a Plastic Surgeon might recommend Neck Liposuction, Neck Lift Surgery, or a combination of both. There are different ways to remove excess fat from a double chin. All of which can tighten up loose skin on the neck and create a smoother, tighter chin and neck appearance. 


Here are some things you need to know about double chin surgery.

What is double chin surgery?

Double chin surgery is an option for those who want a smoother jawline and fewer facial wrinkles. Double chin plastic surgery includes one of the following surgeries:

Chin Liposuction: It is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the skin of the chin and neck area to reshape it. A surgeon makes an incision in which they insert a tube, sucking out the unwanted fat. Liposuction surgery typically requires only localized anesthesia to numb the general area.

Facelift: This surgery helps eliminate excess fat and sagging skin around the chin and neck, thus eliminating a double chin. Though most people are unconscious during general anesthesia, it is possible to do so with a local anesthetic.

Neck-lift: Different neck lift surgeries exist to lessen the appearance of excess skin around the neck and chin, such as cervicoplasty (removing unwanted skin) or platysmaplasty (tightening muscles). Surgeons often combine a neck lift with a traditional facelift which can cause a tight feeling around the neck for several months.

All treatments can improve the appearance of a double chin. However, if your skin isn't elastic and sags, you are probably not a good candidate for liposuction or submentoplasty. 

Are there any risks or side effects of double chin surgery?

Anytime foreign objects are put into the skin, there's always some risk involved. A doctor should discuss this before the procedure to ensure you are fully informed and prepared for it.

Neck and chin cosmetic surgeries are usually safe, but there have some risks. 

The following are the risks or side effects of double chin surgery:

  • Asymmetric. One side of the face is different than the other side.

  • Bleeding or blood clotting.

  • Anesthesia poses serious risks for some people.

  • Hematoma (a pocket of blood under the skin). It is essential to drain it out.

  • Incisions that do not heal properly.

  • Pain or swelling that lasts for an extended period.

  • Skin flaws such as scarring, rippling, or discoloration.

It is also possible that you may not see the desired outcomes from the surgical procedure. Therefore it is crucial to talk to your doctor about your goals regarding how you want yourself to look after surgery, so they can make sure they're achievable. 

What is the recovery time after double chin surgery?

Depending on what surgery your surgeon performs, the recovery time varies. It can take anywhere from a few days to one or two weeks to recover before returning to work after chin liposuction surgery - while with a neck lift surgery, it may take up to two weeks for complete recovery.

Following the surgery, there will be some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. The skin may tighten up, which can take up to two weeks to heal completely. If you have developed facial drains to reduce blood and fluid buildup in your neck, a doctor will usually remove these after one or two days.

Nonsurgical Alternative to Double Chin Surgery:

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable medication to treat excess fat under the chin. The medication comprises deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat in the body. It gives permanent results because it destroys the fat cells.



Some people choose deoxycholic acid treatments to eliminate a double chin without surgery. However, just because it is an alternative solution does not mean there are no adverse side effects; every treatment has its own potential problems.

Below are some problems with the injectable medication:

  • Side effects of this medication can include pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and soreness. Severe allergic reactions or injuries to the facial nerves can also happen though they're rare.

  • Injections can be excruciatingly painful.

  • It may require multiple sessions- usually from two to six- to see significant improvement.

  • People can also expect a swelling neck for up to 10 days after each treatment session.

  • If you require multiple treatments, chin lipo may be cheaper.

Final thoughts:

If you have a double chin, or your chin or neck sags, you may be considering plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon can shape, remove fat and even smooth out the skin - but neck-lift, facelift, and chin liposuction surgeries come with some risks. Talk to your medical provider about what surgical procedure would be best for you and whether or not you are a good candidate.

If you are looking for double chin surgery or other facial cosmetic procedures, it is vital to find a board-certified plastic or cosmetic surgeon.



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